
About Us

We believe that everyone should have access to the knowledge and resources they need to achieve their goals. That's why we work hard to create a welcoming and inclusive community where students can connect with mentors who share their passions and interests.

Our Mission

To connect students with industry experts who can provide personalized guidance and support to help them achieve their career goals.

Our Vision

To be the premier platform for connecting students with industry experts and mentors around the world.

Our Strategy

To collaborate with industry leaders and experts to provide students with the most up-to-date and relevant guidance and support.


About Our Founder

Pathway was founded by Isaiah Hogan a passionate and dedicated individual who has a deep understanding of the challenges that students face. Driven by the desire to help students succeed, our founder has built Pathway from the ground up with a clear mission in mind: to provide students with the tools they need to achieve their goals. With a strong passion for mentorship, our founder is committed to making a difference in the lives of students everywhere.